
Just thinking

I was just having a little thought. Nothing in particular, really. Just that, it wasn't always like this, was it? Y'know, where you can walk down the street in the dark and not even think twice about getting strangled or raped or anything of the sort. It wasn't always that people had so much money, and food and pretty clothes and nice hair, and even make up to doll themselves up. It wasn't always so, was it? People were lucky if they got a pound a week. They had no choice but to walk down dark smoggy streets and think of all the bloody nightmares that could happen to them. They might have even had to face some of those nightmares. Pleasuring another man, to feed your child sitting cold and wet and lonely on the street corner where you told him to stay. Worrying whether he's still there or some bastard has put him out of misery. Maybe it would be better that way.

Maybe somewhere, right now, people still have to live like that.

They probably do to.

To think, we've come all this way, through the pain and suffering and honestly brutal times just to have nice hair, pretty clothes, food on the table, a doctor we can go when we're feeling poorly and a family who'll give us the love and the support we crave.

All that torture, just to shape the greedy bastards we are today.

And to think, that torture is happening right now, somewhere far away from here. And that torture will shape their future. They'll become something similar to what we are today.

And, by then, I wonder what will become of us.

~ "One day men will look back and say I shaped the twentieth century". - Jack the Ripper

He did too. Prostitutes are illegal now.

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