
Open your eyes and tell me what you see inside

I know I said I wouldn't bother with this anymore, but some habits die hard. Others come back and keep kicking your balls until you stop ignoring them. Whatever my reasons are, I doubt you really care.

The reason why I stopped was because I was nattering on about nothing, and no one gave a damn. Well, fuck it. I'm attention seeking, despite how hard I try not to be.

Over all, 2010 has had a really shit start. I hate what I'm becoming. I hate what some people are turning into. I don't have a social life. I don't overly want one.  I guess I've grasped the concept and got my head out of the fucking clouds. People aren't going to be there forever; they are as temporary and changeable as the weather.

There is only one person you can depend on in your life. Who that is, is up to yourself.

Yes, I am pissed off. And that hasn't changed and I doubt it will for a while now.

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