
Past, Present and Future

I know I said I wouldn't bother with this but this is the last one.

Today is Holocaust Memorial Day, and I originally posted this in June.

For Everyone

For those who died, for those who survived,

For those who hoped and for those who dreamed,

The war is over, the fight is done;

Today we remember the battle we have won.

For those who killed, for those who murdered,

For those who died and for those suffered,

It has ended and we are singing;

Today we remember everyone we couldn’t save.

For those who will remember, for those who'll never forget,

For those who cried, for those who'll always regret,

Tomorrow is a new day;

We’ve learnt from yesterday’s mistakes.

For those who fought and for those who fled,

For those betrayed and for those who bled,

Together and forever; hand in hand, we will march ahead.



truth be told, i don't need this. no more blogging. i might as well just talk to myself.



Well, 'Another Code: Two Memories' is added to my list.

That makes three games and one book finished over this Christmas. Honestly, it's time's like these I'm glad my social life is limited.

Rightful Pieces

D2 W/o RG
Hrs spent asleep last night: -3
Minutes spent crying about it: 5-10
Times thought about killing someone: 5+
Hrs spent thinking about sand and secret passages: A while lot.

Merry Sunday. Went to sleep about half four last night. Woke up around 6.30-7, and kinda dozed with my eyes open. Had weird thoughts about living in a hotel alone and how much happier I would be. Also had weird thoughts about sand in my living room and a secret passageway under the rug. Weird the things you think when you're half awake.

Spent most of the morning doing that. Regained a grasp on reality around eleven and people were shouting and banging. Being tired and grumpy and wanting to go back to sleep, I cried about it. Got up when everyone went out. Went to town before lunch to get another game for my DSi. Ended up with 2; 'Another Code: Two Memories' and 'CSI: Hard Evidence'. Swapped 'Nintendogs', 'Catz' and 'More Brain Training' at the CEX shop for the 'Another Code' game, and got a nine pound voucher as well.

Starting to miss Kyle Hyde. Missing his adorable smug smile and tool fetish. Not to mention his bad manners; oh well. Still missing Ryan Gray too. Decided to base the girl-in-my-book's-dad on Ryan. Robert (girl's dad) has more backstory now, which makes him more 3D rather than 2D. Too bad he's dead.

Played 'Another Code' for a while, before dozing on the sofa while dad watched a western on the telly.

Did some writing. I reckon this is the beginning of the end of my book. I will finish it. Deadline's March 24th, I've decided. First draft should be finished by then. All in all, I'm happy with the progress. This time last year, the book was around 300 words and most of the ideas were still thoughts in my head. Amazing things happen in a year. This is why I'm going to miss 2009. Cause without, there would be no book and I certainly would not be here now missing Kyle Hyde and Ryan Gray, that's for sure.

Another to the list

Hotel Dusk: Room 215

Kyle Hyde has been added to my list of fictional men.
He is number two, coming in close second behind Ryan Gray.

Finished Hotel Dusk. Best Scenario ever;

Kyle: "Air's gettin' thin in here. Don't think I'll last much longer."

*Finds a hammer in the toolbox*

Kyle: "A hammer! This might come in handy! I'd never turn down a hammer; man's never gonna know when he needs to hit a nail in!"


Of all the things to miss...

Day 1 without Ryan Gray
Hrs spent brooding: 3+
Hrs spent in pajamas: 13+
Hrs spent drawing a woman with a spazzy face: 1+
Hrs spent playing DSi: Too many to count


What a miserable day it has been. Woke up at one and couldn't find phone. Lay in bed and thought about how hopelessly I am addicted to things, including a fictional character named Ryan. I wonder if this is what unrequited love feels like. Got up and stood for a while before settling down with DSi and played Hotel Dusk for a while. Kyle Hyde is a pretty good rebound guy, I must at admit. He talks to tools.

Got up made breakfast at two. Found phone under bed while finding wire for kindle. Remembered that I supposed to go to town today. Cursed myself mentally because if I had remembered, I would have forgotten about Ryan for a while and seen Katie.

Played Hotel Dusk some more. Found a gun in the yellow laundry cart.

Tidied room and then drew for a bit.

After drawing, started writing a blog about my day and how much I miss Ryan.

2010 is going to be a long year...


2:48am, the perfect time to complete a game (:

Wow. I just finished Another Code: R for the Wii. Best game ever, nj. It made me so happy. I mean, i have never yelled at a TV so much in my life, mostly shouting "RYAN FELL", "RYANS GOTTA GUN" "RYANS GONNA SUICIDE" "OMGOMG ITS RYAN". The game itself was lovely. The backdrops were like watercolour paintings; beautiful.

And for anyone who is wondering...


And you see what I mean about that background; beautiful, if I do say so myself.